We opened for business in 1968 with the aim of caring for animal health and well-being by developing, manufacturing and marketing veterinary solutions. Over these 55-plus years we have built a name as a trusted partner for veterinary industry professionals with a focus on both production and companion animals. On the eve of World Veterinary Day, we would like to go over some of our most salient initiatives to power large farm and holding efficiency and productivity.
CECADI - Our diagnostics centre in Leon
Our plant in Leon is home to our CECADI diagnostics centre where we provide analysis services to identify organisms that cause different pathologies in production animals.

These services include a real-time PCR test for the molecular diagnosis of salmonella, a very useful tool giving customers greater control over this zoonosis and shoring up food safety, in addition to powering production returns.
Ostercheck - Our new milk tank diagnostic service
As a benchmark for antiparasitics for ruminants, among other species, we recently launched Ostercheck, our new diagnostic service to determine the parasitic load in a holding. This is a fundamental aspect in farm operation as it can lead to significant losses, making Ostercheck a new ally to optimise the health efficiency of your holding and subsequently boost milk production, improving financial returns for farms.

Veterinarians and breeders can leverage Ostercheck to identify improvement areas across production processes and gain a competitive edge that helps design action plans and take measures to reduce parasite loads.
Wevap - Increased protection against salmonella
A further example of our efforts in digitalisation is Wevap, our value-added service for the exhaustive tracking of the entire vaccination process against salmonella enteritidis and typhimurium, from biosafety measures to vaccine preparation and use.

Our specialisation in poultry vaccines, which we develop at our plant in Leon, Spain, was the starting point to #create this app in 2022 that sees us digitalise the auditing of our poultry vaccines.
Once the audit is conducted, the tool automatically produces a report and sends it to the Calier technical service for analysis and to propose improvements. The service thus contributes to food safety by providing greater control of salmonella immunity among a holding’s hens. Wevap also lets poultry farmers consult their analysis reports online, facilitating processes and enabling us to better reach professionals.
Ongoing veterinary education
Our value-added services also include our extensive offering of ongoing education targeted exclusively at veterinary professionals to help them improve their skills and promote their daily practice.
Our platform offers free webinars on current issues affecting ruminant and pig health and well-being, normally in relation to new developments in animal reproduction techniques or anti-parasitic systems. We offer the new online courses we teach over our LinkedIn page and you can access them just by signing up to the platform.
We have also expanded our training proposal in 2023 through a partnership with Ideant Veterinaria, the largest training platform for vets in Spain. We kicked off with a course dedicated to companion animal health entitled “Understanding and Treating Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs”, presented in innovative formats such as WhatsApp and podcasts.
Finally, our commitment to #share knowledge and the desire to excel that has characterised us from the outset has led us to engage in numerous national and international discussion forums to help move the dial on animal health and well-being with the collaboration of other stakeholders.